"I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief.
For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free." ~Wendell Berry

Showing posts with label MDC presentation 2019. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MDC presentation 2019. Show all posts

Sunday, March 10, 2019

MDC-Sponsored Purple Martin Event - March 9, 2019

John Miller, St. Louis - Forest Park Purple martin landlord & mentor, worked very hard and long to convince the MDC to host a purple martin event at their Conservation Center in Springfield for this past Saturday. He even coordinated with the Springfield News Leader to do a story about the event in advance to generate more interest. So, when he emailed me to let me know he had suffered a back injury and asked me to take his place, I thought he was surely kidding me. He had worked so hard for this...but he wasn't kidding and on Saturday, myself and Jeff Robinson, purple martin landlord and mentor from Rogersville, MO, took the stage in Springfield and, along with the MDC, we led 68 purple martin enthusiasts down the path to learning more about how to be a purple martin landlord.
We learned from a showing of hands that only about 20% of the folks there were already purple martin landlords. That means approximately 54 new landlords are now spreading out across western Missouri on their way to putting up new houses for purple martins!
Two and a half hours later, my voice was nearly gone, and Jeff and I were still fielding questions.
It was a great turnout!  Thank you to John Miller for providing Jeff and I with this opportunity and to the MDC for hosting this event! 
Following are all the pictures from the event: