Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Milkweed, milkweed and More Milkweed

The common milkweed I planted on this bank is spreading!  Check out the video to see how much.

I was awarded this grant by Monarch Watch and now have all these milkweeds plants that need to be planted.  Check out the video below.
Don't know why I'm giggling at the end of the video.  


  1. Those are a lot of milkweed plants! You must get a lot of Monarch butterflies on your property. I only have a small purple milkweed patch this year, and already one of the flower heads has been consumed. I have also rescued some common milkweed plants from the lawn, or they would have gotten mowed down. But I am not sure how many will survive the shock of being transplanted. They seem to do so much better if they plant themselves.

    1. Yes, we get a lot of Monarch butterflies through this area, Aya! The hayfield that belongs to the farmer north of me has tons of milkweed and I think that helps. Yes, they do much better if they are 'volunteers'. Common milkweed spreads by rhizomes, so mowing doesn't hurt them, but it will kill the monarch eggs on the plant of course.
